Category: Student Life

Posted on: April 30, 2016 Posted by: John Dees Comments: 0

ERG Talent Show 2016: Dance Newbies Dance

In April 2016, the annual ERG Talent Show was back, with more of the unparalleled talents of the ERG students, alumni, and staff! This year’s lineup had star-power galore. Those in attendance were treated to an inspiring stump speech from a major political figure, not to mention–Comedy! Music! Poetry! Fashion! Bollywood! And we closed it all out with a David Bowie revival from the ERG first years (2015 Newbies)! Eat…

Posted on: December 21, 2015 Posted by: Chris Hyun Comments: 0

Is the Force with Me in Grad School?

At times it’s difficult to explain the ERG student experience — even to other grad students at Berkeley. But it’s not so different from other grad students when you think of it in terms of “the Force.”

Posted on: May 3, 2015 Posted by: Life@ERG Editors Comments: 0

ERG Talent Show 2015: #ERGTownFunk

This year’s ERG talent show was amazing, with ERG students from various cohorts, faculty and staff putting on dance routines, songs, lights and a game show. The ERG first years (newbies 2014) did a fantastic job putting the event together with the theme: #ERGTownFunk. Above is a short one-minute summary video of the event. Below, watch videos of a few of the performances. Bollywood is back with a reunion of…