This year’s ERG talent show was amazing, with ERG students from various cohorts, faculty and staff putting on dance routines, songs, lights and a game show. The ERG first years (newbies 2014) did a fantastic job putting the event together with the theme: #ERGTownFunk.
Above is a short one-minute summary video of the event. Below, watch videos of a few of the performances.
Bollywood is back with a reunion of last year’s mob crew getting on the dance floor without any prior rehearsal since ERG Talent Show 2014. It was super fun! Watch last year’s dance to compare. #getonthedancefloor
Who knew poo poo could be so cool? Susty and Emily eco-rap about Emily’s fecal sludge research. #OutKastHouse Watch more of Susty’s ecoraps here. Learn more about Sanivation here.
The ERG Spirit Dance made an awesome come back this year after the original dances in 2012 and 2013. It was time again for some spirit — this time inspired by the ERGie founding that happiness decreases your carbon footprint. #happy
And the grand finale with the ERG newbies signing off their first year at ERG with some #ERGTownFunk, honoring the graduating ERG PhD candidates at the end of their dance! Choreographed by the illustrious, MK. Great job, Newbies! #ERGiesForLife