In April 2016, the annual ERG Talent Show was back, with more of the unparalleled talents of the ERG students, alumni, and staff! This year’s lineup had star-power galore. Those in attendance were treated to an inspiring stump speech from a major political figure, not to mention–Comedy! Music! Poetry! Fashion! Bollywood! And we closed it all out with a David Bowie revival from the ERG first years (2015 Newbies)! Eat your heart out Grammy Awards!
The star power was so bright in the East Bay that night, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders took time from his busy campaign schedule to drop in and kick off the festivities. I hear we have Susty to thank for arranging the visit on such short notice! The event was H-YUGE!
Famed Monty Python cover artist and front man for ERGie Python, Elias “Eric Idle” Lazarus, helped us “Always look on the bright side of life…,” with a rousing rendition of “Consider a Spherical Song.” If you listen closely, you can probably skip taking that ER 102 course altogether.
Did someone say stand-up comedy? Yes, we’ve got that too! She may not be a household name yet, but you are going to know it soon enough! Thank you for the laughs, MK! (Due to technical difficulties, part of MK’s act is missing…sorry!)
Have you ever wondered, “what does my annual time series dataset sound like?” Well, wonder no more! ERG alumni and cellist, Dr. Lara Cushing, brings three avant-garde compositions to the talent show stage. Can you guess what datasets she is playing?
We were short on red carpet but not on fashion! Megan showcased all the latest styles from designer “Lost and Found.” Are you missing something? Do you recognize any of this stuff?
The Bollywood dance, it seems, is now an ERG tradition. Once again, our Bollywood crew stole the show! You can check out past years’ performances here and here!
The ERG Babies, i.e. the first years, paid tribute to the late David Bowie and their first year of grad school with “Dance Newbies Dance!” What better way to prepare for the “labyrinth” of grad school than learning some group choreography? In tin-foil hats? Reverting to a child-like state? Spring semester was rough, folks…
This major entertainment production could not have been half as cool without our host, none other than the Haiku master, ERG Newbie Dennis Best.
Thanks to the ERG first years and all of the participants for making the 2016 ERG Talent Show great!!