On April 7, 2017, the 2016 cohort (Newbies!) hosted yet another fantastic annual ERG Talent Show. This year’s show really raised the bar, as the young wizards of ERGworts honed their interdisciplinary powers to battle the evil Trumplestiltskin! Amidst the unfolding drama at ERGworts, our department put their full powers on display with live music, acro-yoga, and the return of the famous (from Baghdad to Delhi, via Agra) Bollywood Dance! Special thanks to our cheeky MCs, Emma and Phillippe, who set the tone with their dapper style and bow-ties.
The young wizards at ERGworts meet the Sorting Hat (a snarky fella, that one…) and meet their evil nemesis and environmental ne’er-do-well, Trumplestiltskin!
Battling the forces of darkness requires more than academic wizardry, and our ERGies brought an array of talents. To kick things off, John Paul and Juan Pablo (they swear they didn’t plan their initials ahead of time) provided our wizard revolution a soundtrack with some acoustic folk-rock (…very Berkeley).
Eli continued the musical magic with the 2nd annual return of “Consider a Spherical Song.” Eli’s melodic incantation alchemically combines the arcane knowledge of senior wizard and Professor John Harte’s ER 102 course and the timeless wisdom of Monty Python’s Eric Idle to “always look on the bright side of life.” This powerful spell is a reliable ward against evil spirits and science denying politicians–a must-have weapon in the age of Trumplestiltskin.
Our next act proves that our young ERG wizards can defy gravity. Isa’s and Bodie’s acro-yoga routine demonstrates that our young ERGies are not only mentally but also physically and creatively agile! Beware forces of darkness!
With our tour of ERG’s interdisciplinary powers at an end, we return to our young wizards at ERGworts, as they confront their nemesis, Trumplestiltskin. With our esteemed ERGworts faculty locked behind a magical portal, what interdisciplinary magic can stop the orange menace? Only one of the most time-honored traditions at ERG….what can it be?
The Bollywood Dance, of course! Our esteemed Chris and Kripa lead the wizards of ERGworts in yet another annual rendition of the Bollywood dance. The power of Bollywood simply proves too much for the evil Trumplstiltskin, and he is vanquished (…only to take up a career as a Bollywood dancer).
Thank you ERGies for yet another incredible year of the ERG Talent Show!
Banner Photo by E. Panzer